PRIME Act Sign-on Letter - Add your name!
Add your voice to the letter urging Congress to pass the PRIME Act, HR 2859/ S. 1620!  This bill would allow meat from custom slaughterhouses to be sold intrastate under certain limitations -- providing more options for small-scale farmers and ranchers to process their animals.

You can read the full letter and current signatory list of 88 nonprofits and over 400 farms & ranches, at

WE CONTINUE TO ACCEPT SIGN ON'S and will send the updated letter in late July.  

To sign your organization, farm, or ranch on to the letter, please fill out the form below. If you have trouble with the form, you can also email

DEADLINE to sign on: Monday, July 20, 2020

 If you are an individual and not authorized to speak for a nonprofit or farm, please instead sign up for our email alerts [] and support the PRIME Act by taking action on the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance's alerts.  You can see our most recent alert at 

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Organization (Non-profit or farm name) *
Contact person name *
Title (ex: Executive Director, owner, etc) *
Do you have authority to sign for this organization or farm?   *
Type of entity: *
State *
City (optional)
Contact person's email address (not for publication, but required) *
Phone (Optional - not for publication, only for use if we need to follow up with you)
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